Do you live in New York City, specifically in the Bronx area? Have you been thinking about transporting a vehicle, but you weren’t sure if there were any options? We’re here to tell you that there are plenty available – you just have to know where to look as well as what to look for.
Thankfully, it’s not nearly as hard as it might seem. There are plenty of shipping options in our area. Today, we’d like to offer you some tips and tricks in terms of what to look for and how to get the best deals with Bronx car shipping, whether you’re transporting into the city or out of it.
What to Look For in a Shipping Company
Perhaps the most difficult part of this process is finding a shipper that you want to work with. Here in the Bronx, we do have several options available to us. The tricky part is sorting out what types of amenities and services we should be expecting.
The biggest thing to look for in general is availability. Ideally, you’ll find a carrier that has a high score in this area – so, they should be readily available for transit within a few days. You can look for this as you do your research. A time of two or three business days for pickup is reasonable, especially during the busier periods.
Another amenity or service to ask about is door-to-door shipping, in which a driver comes to retrieve the vehicle and then drops it off once transit has been completed. This is a fairly standard offer these days. Still, it’s worth checking out just in case there are still some shippers that don’t, especially if you think you will need them to ship your car successfully.

Finding a Good Deal
Who doesn’t like a good deal, right? As you can see here:, there are a ton of methods for deal hunting online. However, when it comes to car shipping, we have a few unique perspectives to offer as well.
One thing that you should consider is that there are usually times of the year where it will be less expensive to ship. Usually, these are the fall and winter months, but it could be different in your area. You’ll notice on a general level that there are periods where you’ll be charged less, so do your best to plan around that if you can!
How to Prep
There are several things to keep in mind as you consider scheduling a car transport. Obviously, you’ll probably want to know where you’re going to be heading out to before you make any firm plans. Beyond that, though, there are several things to bear in mind in terms of getting both yourself and your car ready.
One example of this is that you’ll want to get your photo ID ready and on hand for yourself, since the driver that arrives will probably be asking about that. You can check out this page for some more details on how that works. You’ll also probably want to get your current registration details as well as proof of purchase and proof of insurance.
All of that is to ensure that the transaction is a legal and legitimate one. If you’re shipping the car to a buyer, then there’s a good chance you may have to provide some information on them as well. While this all sounds complicated, it’ll typically be detailed in your initial consultation with the shipping company. If not, don’t be afraid to ask about it!
Another thing that you’ll want to keep in mind as you prepare is that your car should be clean when the driver arrives to pick it up. This means that it should be scrubbed clean on the outside for inspection purposes as well as inside, to remove any personal items that might be in there. You don’t want those to get lost, after all.
There’s also the fact that the less stuff that is inside your vehicle, the less you will end up paying for the transit in the first place! Because most shippers base the cost off of both the length of the journey as well as the weight of your car, this is important to note.
Is Car Shipping Worth it?
The final consideration here today is this one: is car shipping worth it? Realistically speaking, the main thing is that it can save you money compared to a road trip. After all, those can be incredibly expensive when we take all the pit stops along the way (gas, food, and drink, just to name a few).
Additionally, if you’re selling a car, then you probably don’t want to have to drive it to the buyer yourself. Getting a shipping company to help can save you a lot of time and energy.